Tag: H655Y
France: Breton coronavirus variant B.1.616 – 42 cases in total, 18 deaths
The VOI 20C / H655Y (lineage B.1.616) initially detected in Lannion, in Brittany, was classified as variant to follow on 03/14/2021. More...
France: 40 cases of Breton variant B.1.616 (20C/655Y) with coronavirus mutations D614G, H655Y, G669S & V482A
As of April 28, 40 cases of infection with the 20C/655Y (B.1.616) variant have been confirmed (37 in Brittany, three in other regions). More...
Africa: Tanzania/Angola coronavirus variant carries E484K & H655Y mutations
Forbes are carrying an interesting about the recently discovered coronavirus variant found in Tanzania, Africa in travellers arriving from Angola. More...
France: Breton Variant B.1.616 added to WHO’s list of variants of interest
France’s “Breton variant”, B.1.616, was added to the WHO list of Variants of Interest this week. More...
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in domestic cats may have accelerated the fixation of S H655Y
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in cats involved a narrow bottleneck, with new infections founded by fewer than ten viruses. More...
France: coronavirus VOI 19B/501Y, aka HMN.19B or Henri Mondor variant could be a reinfection risk
The VOI 19B / 501Y (lineage A.27) has been detected infrequently but regularly in France since January 2021. More...
A novel variant of interest of SARS-CoV-2 with multiple spike mutations detected through travel surveillance [Angola/Tanzania]
“We detected a new VOI in three incoming travelers from Tanzania who were tested together at the airport in mid-February. More...
France coronavirus “Breton Variant” French Health Department statement
Variant de clade 20C ayant émergé en Bretagne
Un cluster d’infections par un variant de clade 20C (« variant 20C/H655Y »), a été détecté dans un hôpital des Côtes d’Armor, avec des cas survenus entre janvier et mars 2021. More...
Breton variant: 13 cases of the new coronavirus strain confirmed
Public Health France has indicated that the Breton variant is limited to “a town in Côtes-d’Armor and the distribution of the 20C/H655Y variant therefore seems to be currently limited to this geographical area”. More...