Tag: VUI
UK: PHE Technical Briefing and Variants of Concern update 18
PHE England have recently published new reports on the SARS-COV-2 variants circulating in Britain: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Zeta, Eta, B.1.1.318, Theta, Kappa, B.1.617.3, AV.1, C.36.3, Lambda, C.37
SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England
Variants under surveillance
Variant prevalence
Secondary attack rates
SARS-CoV-2 Immunity and Reinfection Evaluation (the SIREN study) cohort monitoring
Part 2: Delta (B.1.617.2) surveillance
Surveillance through genomic data
Delta with K417N (Delta-AY.1)
Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern: routine variant data update
Data on individual variants
International Epidemiology
VUI-21FEB-04 (B.1.1.318)
VUI-21APR-03 (B.1.617.3)
VUI-21MAY-01 (AV.1)
VUI-21MAY-02 (C.36.3)
Lambda (C.37, VUI-21JUN-01)
Vietnam: No new hybrid coronavirus strain detected in Vietnam says WHO
“There is no new hybrid variant in Vietnam at this moment based on WHO definition,” Kidong Park, the WHO representative in Vietnam, told Nikkei Asia on Wednesday. More...
WHO announce new names for Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus variants
The WHO have announced new names for the confusingly named sars-cov-2 variants. More...
UK: 49 cases of new coronavirus variant under investigation VUI-21MAY-01 named AV.1
Public Health England has revealed that it had detected another Covid variant in Yorkshire and the Humber which it has assigned as a ‘Variant Under Investigation’ VUI-21MAY-01. More...
Nepal: highest-ever number of new coronavirus cases in last 24 hours at 9,196
Nepal recorded a total of 9,196 new cases of coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours. More...
France: Breton variant B.1.616 – 37 cases & 16 deaths with just 9% of cases detected by first RT-PCR coronavirus test
As of 04/21, 37 confirmed cases of infection with the 20C / 655Y [B.1.616] variant have been reported in France, including 34 in Brittany and 3 in other regions in people linked to the area of circulation of the virus in Brittany (made up of several urban communities around Lannion, Guingamp, Saint-Brieuc, Paimpol). More...
Brazil: First confirmed death from coronavirus REINFECTION reported
A 39-year-old Brazilian man who died of COVID-19 last month was suffering from a second bout of the illness, researchers said on Tuesday, making it the country’s first confirmed death from coronavirus reinfection. More...
France: 25 cases of Breton coronavirus variant B.1.616 recorded so far, 22 in Brittany, 3 elsewhere
Clade 20C variant that emerged in Brittany. A cluster of infections with a 20C clade variant (“20C / 655Y variant” or B.1.616), was detected in the Côtes d´Armor, with cases occurring between January and March 2021. More...
Emergence of a coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 E484K variant of interest in Arizona – VOI B.1.243.1
We sequenced the SARS-CoV-2 genome from 688 positive samples collected from December 28 2020 to March 13 2021 in Arizona, USA. More...
PHE: Two cases of Philippines coronavirus variant P.3 (PHL-B.1.1.28) found in England
“On 9 March, PHE noted a report of 33 cases of a new variant reported by the Philippines. More...